As I was scanning through recent music releases on different websites, I saw this album by Black Mountain. I read many times that they drew influence from Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, and the like. But the album cover, the generic “metal” track names, and the long song lengths had “PRETENTIOUS” written all over it. They looked like a Rush knock-off (and Rush often went over the top, in my opinion). But it was getting good reviews, so I bought it anyway, and I’m glad I did. It was a pleasant surprise. It channels the spirit of early 70’s music without being unoriginal. Parts of the album rock at full force while others are reserved and brilliant. Organs and mellotrons are used smartly to embellish the quiet parts. The female singer smoothly complements the male lead. This is a very solid album. Check out "Angels"
I've been hearing good things about Vampire Weekend. And I like good 70's music, so maybe I should check out Black Mountain's album.
Yeah man, I definitely encourage you to get both the Vampire Weekend and Black Mountain albums.
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