Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Elitist Apples

Connie: Hotmail is so fifth grade
David: You elitist
Connie: Gmail is to the New York Times as Hotmail is to USA today
David: Gmail is to Cheeseboard as Hotmail is to Blondie's
Connie: Harvard versus Boston City College...
David: Radiohead versus Coldplay
Connie: Questionable.
David: It is questionable, agreed, but a widely held belief.
David: Meet the Press versus Crossfire
Connie: Harry Potter versus Twilight.
David: Target versus Walmart
Connie: San Francisco versus Pasadena. Zing.
David: No! Apples and oranges. SF versus Oakland, Pasadena versus Riverside
Connie: Apples versus oranges
David: Haha. Boom.


Courtney said...

So as much as I love Pasadena, I'm not sure it is better than Riverside...just saying.

David said...

I dearly hope you are kidding.

David said...

OK so I probably shouldn't have picked Riverside. I picked the best you can get in the '909'. So I'll say Pasadena versus San Bernardino. Or Irwindale.

Check these out. Here's a list in which Pasadena is at the top for mid-size city downtowns. But what about the neighborhoods? Well Sunset magazine rated Pasadena as having the best neighborhoods in the western United States.

Connie said...

dude you are SO SO LAME.

david: wait they're going to think you're talking about the post. you have to be clear.

sorry. i'm talking about your two comments on your own post.

Connie said...

i hope courtney doesn't think i'm less cool for hanging out with you.

Connie said...


Connie said...


Connie said...
